League of Legends - SONA

League of Legends - SONA


poniedziałek, 3 października 2016


polish women on strike - poster


Black Monday - it is the day, when polish women and men take day off at work by any possible legal form and go to the streets on a warning strike.

Katowice 2016/10/03
NO WOMEN NO KRAJ* (* wordplay, pl. country, pronunciation exactly like "cry")


Recently there came out the project of the law statute about abortion. It will change that it will be totally illegal in Poland, regardless of the situation, the state of health of the child or the mother, and criminal circumstances of conception. It will be a crime. That's it. Also any situation of miscarriage will causes an invastigation, whether was accidental, or intentional. And polish people (mostly women) decided to say NO to that. I think it's kind of obvious.

Katowice 2016/10/03
PIS* OFF! (* wordplay, polish political party responsible for the project of law statute on abortion)


In each major Polish city people hit the streets to show their objection to the new abortion statute project. The support to the case was showed in most of big aglomerations around the Europe. The day was cold and rainy, but people came anyway armed with umbrellas. I hope that polish goverment noticed it and will take into account the voice of the people. Finally...

"The Nation shall exercise such power directly or through their representatives."
Constitution of Poland, Chapter I, Article 4, Subsection 2

Warsaw 2016/10/03

People all over the world, regardless of gender, age, race, sexual preference, religion ... FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO DECIDE ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR LIFE. Even if it will not change anything too fast... it still can affect reality for next generations to come. It is worth a try.
#blackmonday #blackprotest

niedziela, 7 sierpnia 2016


I'm going to sew my very first cosplay set for Ashe. YEY ! The very first idea was to start calmly and just see how things will go. However, despite to common sense, I devided to plunge in without lifebuoy. Consequence of this decision is - realese of my first cosplay set. But not yet. Sorry. Step by step.

League of Legends - champion Ashe (the frost archer)

I've searched throughout the Internet for Ashe cosplay sets and I've found just few of them for sale - all looking far different from the orginal version. In that case I thought this is what I'll do - I will try to deliver high quality and good looking cosplay set as similar to orginal design as possible.

While I was looking for complete picture of that champion, I've found totally different idea of her look. I kinda fall in love with it... Maybe one day. Lets forget about this distraction and focus on the real goal - classic default Ashe's skin.

This little orginal design of Ashe's look

Soon I hope I will be able to show you the work in progress sneak peek and finally the effect of my work. :) Stay alert.

piątek, 5 sierpnia 2016


Recently I was lucky enough to be asked to make few costumes corrections for a play Szemkel. The theatre HOM also commissioned me to make the biggest element of the whole scenography. I had to sew a tree. A FREAKING TREE ! ! !

Photo made by Marek Niszkiewicz

It took me few days, summing - 42 hours of work. And I finally finished it. The tree was made from synthetic material, such as is used in hot air ballons... How crazy is that?! And I had to use strange plastic thread - my own sewing machine didn't like them, so I sewed on the old classic machine from my boyfriend's mother. In the end the tree is 8 meters tall, has 4 branches and needs to be permanently under pumped air to stand stable. Here's how it looked during the premiere performance.

Photo made by Magdalena Borucka

I'm so proud of this tree...

NOW! Soon there will be performance of this play again in Tychy. And again - I was asked to sew new costumes for all angels... I'm thrilled! Can't wait to see how it will work out :) Stay alert.